There are many alterations that affect the shape and size of a mammary gland. Under development or asymmetric growth are some of the most common problems.

This procedure requires an implant that can be places either under the muscle or above it. To obtain the best results possible its very important to have a personalized analysis of the patient’s body type and needs to have a natural look and optimal result. The implants are usually made of silicon and even though the size and shape can vary according to patient’s preference, they must be of the highest quality and must come with a maker’s guarantee.

The surgery is made through a peri areola incision and it usually takes 1.5 to 2 hours to complete the procedure. Recovery time varies from 8 to 10 days depending on the patient’s body, at this point they can resume regular activities but the patient must be disciplined with postoperative recommendations and must not perform any demanding physical activity.


Breast Augmentation before


Breast Augmentation after


Breast Augmentation before


Breast Augmentation after


Breast Augmentation before


Breast Augmentation after


Breast Augmentation before


Blefaroplastia despues
