The highest mortality rate due to cancer in female patients in Colombia is breast cancer. Early detection is an important step to guarantee the best possible result in the procedure, that’s why we suggest regular self-checkups and periodical medical examinations. Once breast cancer is diagnosed one available option is breast reconstruction.
This procedure should be performed only by a specialist in surgical oncology. The evaluation of the will determines the severity of the patient’s condition and the type of procedure that should be done.
Types of procedures:
Implants or volume expanders
Pedicle flaps: Latissimus dorsi serratus and wide pectoral
Support dermal matrix and synthetic mesh
For these procedures to be successful patients must abstain from smoking for a period at least of 6 months before the surgery and be in an adequate weight range as well as exercise constantly and have a balanced diet. It goes without say that patients should not consume any illegal substances or self-medicate.
Breast reconstruction can be performed in any women in the age range of 15-65. The technique that will be applied will be a result of a study of the patient’s current medical condition and medical history. This procedure can also help patients who have asymmetry or birth alterations in the breast area, having a significant impact on the aesthetics and functionality.


